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World Refugee Day Celebrated Across Turkey

World Refugee Day Celebrated Across Turkey

19 February 2017 Also available in:

 Istanbul- The World Refugee Day has been celebrated on June 16th, in Levent Cultural Center of Istanbul Beşiktaş Municipality. The deputy Governor Mr. Mustafa Altıntaş, some members of Human Rights Board of the Governorship, the representatives of SHCEK, NGOs, some academicians (Cengiz Aktar and Bertan Tokuzlu) and some refugees kindly participated to the event. After the opening speech of UNHCR, well-known writer Ms. Buket Uzuner, 3 refugees and the deputy Governor made speeches while Angelina Jolie's spot and photographs from "60years60lives” have been shown.

Van- On 20/06/2011, EO, HRDF-IKGV (Human Resources Development Foundation), TIHV(Turkey Human Rights Association), (VAKAD)Van Women’s Association, MAZLUM-DER, TEGV(Turkey Foundation of Volunteers of Education), MIYAD-DER organized this year’s World Refugee Day celebration at the State Theatre.  After the opening ceremony, there were a wide range of cultural activities performed by asylum seekers and refugees such as art demonstrations, children games, modern dance by asylum-seekers and a magic show performed by an Afghan asylum-seeker. After the opening ceremony, the event continued with the festival that took place from 11:00 am to 15:00 pm.

ASAM- Association for Solidarity with Asylum-Seekers and Migrants On the 19th of June the World Refugee Day has been celebrated together with young refugees. ‘Yabancı Değiliz’ music band played their songs for refugees on the special day. As the main slogan of the band says ‘Music brought together youngsters from different cultures and became one unique voice and “connected the cultures”.  About one hundred young refugees from seven different countries participated to this activity. Boyner Group volunteers’ music band ‘Yabancı Değiliz’, Chaldean- Assyrian Aid Association, Yel değirmeni Child and Youth Centre and other guests attended the event.

ASAM/Konya-  As part of the events organized in Konya for World Refugee Day, refugees visited Martyrdom of Konya and Mevlana Museum. The refugees went to Karaaslan Hadimi Park by bus consigned by Konya Metropolitan Municipality in order to have a picnic. Later on youngsters had an amazing time on the playground. The event was realized with the great contributions of respectively Ms. Cemile Biçer, Alparslan Koparan, Ercan Uslu, Konya Metropolitan Municipality, Mevlana Cultural Centre and ASAM volunteers as follows Beyza Babaoğlu, Ipek Güngör and Şükran Koçak.