Donation from the Saïd and Asfari Foundations ensures urgently needed aid reaches Syrian refugees in Lebanon
Donation from the Saïd and Asfari Foundations ensures urgently needed aid reaches Syrian refugees in Lebanon
On Friday 2nd September, UNHCR signed an agreement with the Saïd and Asfari Foundations to provide urgent humanitarian assistance to Syrian refugees in Lebanon. The Foundations will donate GBP 485,874 to support 2,600 refugees who are being hosted by local communities in northern Lebanon.
The donation will ensure that the refugee population has adequate shelter and is assisted to meet basic needs especially as winter approaches, that health, hygiene and psychosocial needs are met, that all the refugee children receive education and that there are also benefits for the local host community.
From the moment the displaced Syrians started arriving in Lebanon in early March, UNHCR teamed up with the Government of Lebanon to provide much needed basic assistance and to ensure that the newly arrived were protected and that their basic needs were met. Most of those who arrived did so with their families but without their belongings and urgently needed assistance, especially housing, medical and psychosocial care.
Four months into the crisis, over 2,600 Syrians remain in northern Lebanon and continue to be in need. In addition, assistance to the local communities is absolutely crucial, as their coping mechanisms are dwindling under the pressure. UNHCR wants to ensure that it can continue to help these communities and ease the pressure on the Lebanese society and government. The financial support from the Saïd and Asfari Foundations is imperative to meet these goals.
For further information please contact:
Mans Nyberg : +44 20 7759 8091