National Activity Plan 2005: Costa Rica
National Activity Plan 2005: Costa Rica
20 June 2005
Refugee children wash their families' clothes in Djabal camp. Many children are overwhelmed with daily chores and as a result attend school only sporadically.
© UNHCR/H.Caux
- June: Screening of WRD spots in cinemas around the country. 18-19 June: WRD postcards distributed to cinema-goers with the cinema ticket.
- WRD posters displayed at 100 bus stops in the Costa Rican Metropolitan area for two weeks, ending on 20 June.
- From 13 June: 875,000 telephone cards bearing WRD 2005 logo for sale.
- Broadcast of WRD radio and TV spots.
- 16 June: Presentation of the "Handbook of Parliamentarians: A guide to International Refugee Law", Costa Rican Legislative Assembly.
- 18 June: Metropolitan Park "La Sabana", San José. Outdoor cultural and refugee artisans' fair. Music, cultural activities, family games, drawing contest and different workshops for children, mini soccer championship between UN agencies and refugee teams.
- 19 June: San José's Metropolitan Cathedral. Catholic Mass dedicated to refugees. WRD will be mentioned in Masses around the country.
- 20 June: Presentation of the documentary, "Colombian refugees in Costa Rica", prepared by students from the University of Costa Rica.
- 26 June: National lottery bills featuring WRD information and logo.