National Activity Plan 2006: Colombia
National Activity Plan 2006: Colombia
20 June 2006
Artists of the "Colours of Albania in the world" exhibition with Albanian Prime Minister Fatos Nano (centre, with blue tie) in Tirana. © B.Fusha
© © B.Fusha
- On 17-18 June, the capital of Putumayo, one of the regions most severely hit by Colombia's conflict, will host an "agricultural fair" exhibiting and selling the product of UNHCR-sponsored community gardens. The Government agency coordinating the response to forced displacement (Acción Social), and other international organizations have also joined the event.
- On 18 June, la Vanguardia Liberal, the most important daily in Eastern Colombia, will publish a special report on the situation of refugees and displaced persons, around the world and in Colombia. The report is being prepared in collaboration with UNHCR.
- From 19-25 June, nationwide, the Caracol Radio, the most important radio network in Colombia, will broadcast messages of sympathy towards refugees and displaced persons recorded by well-known artists and singers, including Juanes. Over 50 national and local radio stations will be involved.
- On 20 June an exhibition of photographs and paintings dealing with the theme of displacement in the municipality of Bojaya - the most severely affected by forced displacement in the department of Chocó - will be inaugurated in the capital of the department, Quibdó. A photo exhibit on the lives of displaced persons in the city of Bucaramanga will be inaugurated.
- The WRD message of the High Commissioner for Refugees, António Guterres, will be broadcast by TV stations in the cities of Cali, Medellín, Pasto, and Barranquilla. Other stations in different cities are likely to join.
- On 23 June, A debate on displacement will be held at the local university, "Universidad de Nariño", with students, scholars, displaced persons and State officials attending. After seeing the movie "Voces inocentes" (innocent voices) scholars, displaced persons, public officials and UNHCR will debate current policies towards displacement in the department of Nariño.