World Refugee Day 2003: Russian Federation
World Refugee Day 2003: Russian Federation

The UNHCR website in Russian ( was launched on June 18. A World Refugee Day banner was put up on the homepage of the Moscow Times, which increased the number of people accessing the UNHCR website.
On June 20, UNHCR and its partner organisation Equilibre-Solidarity organised a fair at the Theatre of Mimicry and Gesture in Moscow. Refugees and asylum seekers showed their talents through music and other performances. Refugee women displayed their handmade items. Some paintings by refugees were also exhibited. The participants sampled ethnic cuisine prepared by refugees from Africa and Central Asia.

A concert was arranged by UNHCR and the Moscow Peace Fund, an NGO, at the Moscow Club of Scientists to bring refugees and local musicians together. It saw a turnout of over 600 people - mostly refugees, local authorities and NGO staff.

In Ingushetia, UNHCR and its partners organised a drawing competition for internally displaced children on June 29. Some 250 children participated in the contest that took place in six locations, including 100 children from four camps and others from five local schools. The themes were: "Peace to the Caucasus" and "I have a dream". The winners received stationery and toys.
In Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia, UNHCR hosted various sports events and excursions for refugees.
UNHCR and NGO officials appeared in a live TV show, "Date", broadcast on TV-Centre channel, which reaches millions of viewers all over Russia.