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Country profile

Country website


Djibouti hosts approximately 31,528 people forced to flee, including over 23,493 refugees and 8,035 asylum-seekers living in the refugee villages of Ali Addeh (53%), Holl-Holl (24%) and Markazi (8%), as well as in Djibouti City (15%), mainly from Somalia (42.9%), Ethiopia (41.3%) and Yemen (10.8%). Of these, 67% are women and children.

The Government of Djibouti has strengthened refugee protection through legislative reforms and adopted the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF), which aims to ensure the well-being of refugees and their host communities, in line with the Global Compact on Refugees. Djibouti has made notable strides in implementing the CRRF, in particular by integrating refugees and forcibly displaced populations into national systems such as education, health and employment.

UNHCR, together with the Government of Djibouti, is leading the multi-sectoral refugee response in the villages of Ali Addeh, Holl-Holl and Markazi, as well as in urban areas. Close cooperation is maintained with partners including development actors as well as refugee and host community leaders to ensure effectiveness in the provision of assistance and durable solutions.

Additional information

For information about our work in Djibouti:


Are you a refugee or asylum-seeker in Djibouti? Find information about your rights and available services on our HELP site.

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Operational updates

For up-to-date information about our programmes and operations in Djibouti, including funding level and donor contributions, visit Global Focus, UNHCR's reporting portal.

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Legislation and guidance

For legislation, case law and UNHCR policy relating to claims for international protection, visit Refworld.

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Office contact details

The UNHCR Representative in Djibouti

Street address:
LOT No 24, Rue De L'Ígad, Quartier Heron, Djibouti, Djibouti

Mailing address:
B.P. 1885, Djibouti, Djibouti

+253 21 35 16 77

+253 21 35 86 23

[email protected]

Time zone:
GMT +3

    Working hours

    • Monday: 08:00 - 15:15
    • Tuesday: 08:00 - 15:15
    • Wednesday: 08:00 - 15:15
    • Thursday: 08:00 - 15:15
    • Friday: closed
    • Saturday: closed
    • Sunday: 08:00 - 15:15

    Office contact details

    The UNHCR Representative in Djibouti

    Street Address:
    LOT No 24, Rue De L'Ígad, Quartier Heron, Djibouti, Djibouti
    Mailing Address:
    B.P. 1885, Djibouti, Djibouti
    253 21 35 86 23
    Time Zone:
    GMT + 3
    Working Hours
    Monday: 08:00 - 15:15
    Tuesday: 08:00 - 15:15
    Wednesday: 08:00 - 15:15
    Thursday: 08:00 - 15:15
    Friday: closed
    Saturday: closed
    Sunday: 08:00 - 15:15
    Public Holidays:
    02 January 2022, Jour de l'an
    01 March 2022, Al Isra Al Miraj
    17 April 2022, Paques
    01 May 2022, Fete du Travail
    02 May 2022, Aid el-Fitr
    27 June 2022, Fete de l'Independance
    10 July 2022, Aid al-Adha
    31 July 2022, Nouvel an Islamique
    09 October 2022, Fete du Mouloud
    25 December 2022, Noel