Empowering Women Refugees

Empowering Women Refugees
To mark International Women's Day, UNHCR pays tribute to the strength and resilience of displaced women around the world.
Burundian refugees at the Kavimvira transit centre in DRC.
© UNHCR/Federico Scoppa
The theme of International Women’s Day this year is #PledgeForParity – seeking to narrow the gender gap in areas ranging from leadership to pay.
Women and girls uprooted by war and unrest face substantial challenges on a daily basis. On top of being forced to flee their homes, many must forego education to care for younger siblings leaving them less equipped than their male counterparts to make a living. Young women and girls are also more likely to become victims of sexual violence.
Despite these obstacles, many displaced women manage to push through barriers and achieve their goals. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, pays tribute in this photo essay to their strength and resilience.