National Activity Plan 2005: Zambia
National Activity Plan 2005: Zambia
20 June 2005
Refugee children wash their families' clothes in Djabal camp. Many children are overwhelmed with daily chores and as a result attend school only sporadically.
© UNHCR/H.Caux
- 14 June: Launch of WRD by the Minister of Home Affairs. Radio and TV Zambia to broadcast video on Zambia's refugee initiatives.
- Football match.
- Radio and TV panel discussion on Zambia's dealings with residual caseload after Angolan repatriation ends.
- Group prayers in all districts of Zambia during the week preceding WRD. A choir of urban and camp-based refugees will perform at the church service.
- Lusaka: Stand with refugee handicrafts and textiles for sale at a shopping mall.