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World Refugee Day 2002: Norway

World Refugee Day 2002: Norway

20 June 2002


UNHCR organised a mock refugee camp in the centre of Oslo from 19 to 22 July. The visitors played the role of refugees and went through the registration, distribution of high-protein biscuits, and other procedures. A photo exhibition was also installed to show UNHCR's work around the world.

At Oslo Central Station, a UNHCR stand with a poster exhibition and a video screen were set up, and leaflets were distributed to the general public.

Also in Oslo, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Ruud Lubbers, presented the annual Nansen Refugee Award to the owner, captain, and crew of the Norwegian container vessel MV Tampa, which rescued 438 asylum-seekers, including women and children, in the Indian Ocean in August 2001. The High Commissioner said he hoped the award would "encourage all individuals who in their private capacity have contributed to improving the well-being of asylum-seekers and refugees."