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World Refugee Day 2003 National Activity Plan: Thailand

World Refugee Day 2003 National Activity Plan: Thailand

1 April 2003

UNHCR staff register refugees at the Douma registration center on the outskirts of Damascus. Registering with UNHCR ensures that the most vulnerable refugees receive aid.

On June 20, refugee youth will sing and dance at a ceremony to commemorate World Refugee Day at the United Nations Centre Bangkok. This will be followed by the screening of a UNHCR film, "Facing Our Future", and a panel discussion on refugee children and youth. T-shirts will be distributed, designed by the winner of a design competition held in refugee camps.

A joint week-long exhibition on the same theme will be organised by UNHCR, other UN agencies, NGOs and other institutions at the United Nations Centre. Crafts and other products made by refugees will also be displayed.

In the nine refugee camps at the Thai-Myanmar border, June 20 will be marked by a series of activities including ceremonies, cultural performances, arts-and-crafts exhibitions, games and sports competitions.