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World Refugee Day 2004 National Activity Plan: Ethiopia

World Refugee Day 2004 National Activity Plan: Ethiopia

20 June 2004


World Refugee Day celebrations at the Africa Union will be in three segments:

The first segment will be a high-level panel with the participation of government officials in charge of repatriation and reintegration of returnees and internally displaced persons in Angola, Burundi, Sierra Leone, as well as senior officials of the AU and UN.

The second segment of the celebration - under the joint patronage of the AU's Chairperson and the Higher Officials, will centre on a keynote address of solidarity with refugees and the need to find durable solutions as well as the adoption of a declaration stated on the conclusions of the panel discussions.

The third segment will be cultural activities and display of works produced by refugees and displaced persons.

On 20 June, all the religious leaders have vowed to show their solidarity with refugees and displaced people through their prayers and by giving blessings so that these people can return home.

On the same day, ETV and radio will air World Refugee Day statements by UNHCR, the Africa Union, and by the government of the host country. As part of the public awareness campaign, the RLO Representative, Ilunga Ngandu, will have a televised press interview with the Addis-based media.

From 1- 18 June, a photo exhibition titled "Giving a Refugee a Face", will be organised by UNHCR's partner ZOA at the Goethe Institute in Addis Ababa.

From 15-25 June, World Refugee week will place in all the refugee camps with refugees and the local people. These events include cultural shows, traditional dances and dramas conveying messages on peace and safe return to home countries, and on other durable solutions.