Young Champions for Refugees
Connected Learning in Crisis Consortium
Who are Young Champions?
UNHCR Young Champions are a dynamic community of young supporters and refugees motivated to create a more welcoming world for people who have fled war and persecution. They are students or young professionals between the ages of 15 and 25. They are motivated and passionate about using their skills to help refugees in their communities and around the world.
How do Young Champions help refugees?
Recursos adicionales:
El ACNUR no emite certificados de nacimiento. El registro de nacimientos en los campamentos del ACNUR y de la Operación de Alivio Fronterizo (UNBRO) en Tailandia fue responsabilidad del Gobierno Real de Tailandia. Sin embargo, muchos nacimientos no se registraron porque en ese momento, muchos refugiados no contaban con acceso a las autoridades gubernamentales que tenían la responsabilidad de expedir estos documentos. Además, tenemos entendido que el Gobierno Real de Tailandia no está dispuesto a emitir certificados de nacimiento retroactivamente a aquellas personas nacidas en esos campamentos. A pesar de que el ACNUR y UNBRO registro los nacimientos en los campamentos para sus propios procesos administrativos, estos archivos no fueron conservados sistemáticamente y no están disponibles.
Con el fin de su reasentamiento de Tailandia a los Estados Unidos, entendemos que el Servicio de Inmigración y Naturalización (INS) - ahora denominado el Departamento de Seguridad Interna (DHS) - estableció una fecha de nacimiento para usted cuando entró a los Estados Unidos y le emitió documentos con su nombre y nueva fecha de nacimiento. La información debe de estar en su archivo de inmigración, junto con cualquier documento que se le otorgo cuando estableció su fecha de nacimiento y relaciones familiares. De acuerdo con el artículo 25 de la Convención de Refugiados de 1951, cualquier documento que haya sido emitido por el país al cual usted fue reasentado, y que incluya su nombre, sirve como identificación válida por falta de identificación emitida por su país de origen. Por lo tanto, recomendamos que usted contacte a la oficina del Departamento de Seguridad Interna (DHS) más cercana a usted, para obtener una copia de estos documentos.
Para solicitar estos documentos, es posible que necesite presentar una petición de formal bajo la Ley de Libertad de Información (formulario G-639), que está disponible en la página web de la Oficina de Servicios de Ciudadanía e Inmigración con DHS.
How do I become a Young Champion?
At the moment, you can join our network as an individual change-maker. In the near future, we will also encourage the creation of Young Champions Clubs in your school or university.
Facts and figures about refugee resettlement, including in the United States, are captured in our fact sheets. See the current fact sheet on our Resettlement in the United States page. Previous versions are available on this page for reference.
What happens on World Refugee Day?
Each year, World Refugee Day is marked by a variety of events in many countries around the globe in support of refugees. These activities are led by or involve refugees themselves, government officials, host communities, companies, celebrities, school children and the general public, among others. Read our World Refugee Day Live Blog to discover some of the activities that took place in 2022.
Refugee Resettlement Fact Sheet - Published March 2020
When is World Refugee Day and when did it start?
World Refugee Day falls each year on 20 June and is dedicated to refugees around the globe. World Refugee Day was held globally for the first time on 20 June 2001, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. It was originally known as Africa Refugee Day, before the United Nations General Assembly officially designated it as an international day in December 2000.

The next World Refugee Day will be held on 20 June 2023. Watch this page for more information and activities.

What is World Refugee Day?
World Refugee Day is an international day designated by the United Nations to honour refugees around the globe. It falls each year on 20 June and celebrates the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution.
Refugee Resettlement Fact Sheet - Published February 2019
Why is World Refugee Day important?
World Refugee Day shines a light on the rights, needs and dreams of refugees, helping to mobilize political will and resources so refugees can not only survive but also thrive. While it is important to protect and improve the lives of refugees every single day, international days like World Refugee Day help to focus global attention on the plight of those fleeing conflict or persecution. Many activities held on World Refugee Day create opportunities to support refugees.
Find out how countries around the globe celebrate World Refugee Day by selecting a country from the drop-down:
“All correspondence should quote the reference within the subject line. Offers not sent in accordance with instructions or received after the closing of the RFP will not be considered.
Supply staff have no access or knowledge of the offers before the closing. After the closing, the Secretary will open and register the offers in front of witnesses, before forwarding them to the Supply Management Service.
Bidders may not, for any reason, unilaterally amend any term or condition of their offer after the closing of the Invitation to Bid. Offers may only be withdrawn before the closing date. UNHCR reserves the right to accept all or only part of an offer and to make multiple awards. UNHCR will not furnish any information concerning the acceptance or rejection of any offer to any person until a contract has been awarded. An e-mail is sent to successful and unsuccessful bidders after a decision has been taken.”
If you are in the United States and you are inquiring about a friend/relative who is overseas, please contact your local resettlement agency or congressional office who can provide help and advice. The local resettlement agency or congressional office can contact the UNHCR office in Washington at [email protected]. For confidentiality reasons, UNHCR is unable to provide you directly with information about your friends and family members overseas.
If you are inquiring about your refugee or resettlement case and you are currently outside of the United States, please contact your nearest UNHCR office. The UNHCR office in Washington is unable to provide you with case-specific information.
UNHCR responds to a broad spectrum of questions relating to resettlement procedures and programs outside the U.S. We provide advice and guidance on resettlement policies, procedures and programs to U.S. governmental agencies, congressional offices, U.S. resettlement NGOs and attorneys. In some circumstances, UNHCR works with our field offices to ascertain the status of an individual’s case abroad.
In Slovakia, the League for Mental Health is a group of mostly Ukrainian female psychologists who take calls from fellow Ukrainian refugees phoning a hotline. People call for help with anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and for legal advice. Some are survivors of gender-based violence. Svitlana, who fled Kharkiv, is part of the team of 13 psychologists.
The person stops crying, stops shouting, starts talking slower, their breathing slows, so after a while we can hear people begin to feel better.
Young Champion Toolkits
El ACNUR no puede proporcionar esta documentación. En constancia con procedimientos establecidos por el Gobierno de Iraq, su petición debe dirigirse al gobierno de Iraq y/o sus representaciones en el extranjero. Actualmente estamos coordinando con colaboradores para obtener información más detallada de estos procedimientos. Actualizaremos esta pagina cuando esta informacion está disponible.