Lesson plans for ages 12-14 in Civic Education: Refugee teenagers
Teaching and training materials
Lesson plans for ages 12-14 in Civic Education: Refugee teenagers
16 June 2007

These two relatives face an uncertain future. They were among the 216,000 people forced to flee their homes by the fresh outbreak of fighting last year in Sri Lanka.
Every day, somewhere on this planet, teenagers become refugees. These are young people who have fled their home countries to escape persecution and war. The persecution could be physical violence, harassment and wrongful arrest, or threats to their lives.
Exposed to danger if they remain in their own countries, refugee teenagers may have to face and survive mistreatment during their flight. Further danger may await them on arrival in the country of asylum. Because they are not yet grown up, refugee teenagers are among the most vulnerable in any refugee populations to the effects of violence.