Lesson plans for ages 9-11 in Human Rights and Refugees: To Be a Refugee
Teaching and training materials
Lesson plans for ages 9-11 in Human Rights and Refugees: To Be a Refugee
27 June 2007

Mariam Kwete, a refugee from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, who went from her country of asylum, South Africa, to represent the world's child refugees at a UN meeting last month in New York on violence against children.
© UNHCR/J.Redden
LESSON 2: Spot the Refugee - Part 2
Ask the students to explain what a refugee is. Draw out the elements of the definition by questioning around the class.
The students should open the Lego poster fully and read the supplied information quietly by themselves.
Comprehension and discussion questions
Ask the students to write answers to the following questions in their notebooks.
- What is the one difference between refugees and you and me?
- What events do you think could have happened to cause a person to flee and leave everything behind?
- What types of experience might refugees endure during their flight?
- How would you feel if you were a refugee who had to leave your home, family and possessions behind and live in another country?
- Find the term 'open mind'. What does it mean? Why does UNHCR ask that people keep an open mind and a smile of welcome?
Discuss the answers to these questions around the class. Refer to the concept of discrimination.
At this point, you may wish to use some of the materials in the lesson module in Geography for Ages 9-11, which explain the reasons why people become refugees.
- Lesson 1: How Does It Feel - Part 1
- Lesson 3: How Does It Feel - Part 1
- Lesson 4: How Does It Feel - Part 2
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