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Assistance in the relief, rehabilitation and resettlement of Sudanese refugees

Executive Committee Meetings

Assistance in the relief, rehabilitation and resettlement of Sudanese refugees
E/RES/1655 (LII)

1 June 1972

1655 (LII). Assistance in the relief, rehabilitation and resettlement of Sudanese refugees

The Economic and Social Council,

Recognizing that the settlement by the Government of the Sudan of the internal political situation involving the southern Sudan has underlined the need to resolve without delay the serious problem of refugees and displaced persons from and in that part of the country,

Stressing the importance, recognized in General Assembly resolution 2789 (XXVI) of 6 December 1971, of voluntary repatriation as a permanent solution to such refugee problems and the useful role that United Nations bodies and non-governmental agencies can play in facilitating the rehabilitation of refugees who have voluntarily returned to their country of origin,

1. Notes with appreciation the efforts of the Government of the Sudan which led to the settlement of a major civil strife;

2. Welcomes the arrangements made by the Secretary-General at the request of the Government of the Sudan for the co-ordination of relief and rehabilitation assistance in the southern part of the Sudan, and, also, the measures initiated under these arrangements and with the co-operation of the executive heads of the United Nations bodies and programmes concerned, by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in respect of immediate relief programmes and by the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme in respect of longer term assistance;

3. Requests the Secretary-General, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, the executive heads of the specialized agencies, the Executive Director of the United Nations Children's Fund, the Executive Director of the World Food Programme, as well as non-governmental organizations concerned, to render the maximum possible assistance to the Government of the Sudan in the relief, rehabilitation and resettlement of Sudanese refugees coming from neighbouring countries and other displaced persons;

4. Urges all States Members of the United Nations or members of specialized agencies to provide all possible assistance to the Government of the Sudan in the relief, rehabilitation and resettlement of these refugees and displaced persons;

5. Invites all Member States providing such assistance to avail themselves to the fullest possible extent of the co-ordination machinery established by the Secretary-General.

1816th plenary meeting
1 June 1972