National Activity Plan 2006: Kenya
National Activity Plan 2006: Kenya
20 June 2006
Sixteen-year old Farihalh hardly misses school despite her numerous daily chores. Farihalh wants to become "Minister of Darfur", the region she and her family escaped in 2004.
© UNHCR/H.Caux
- In association with the Ministry of Local Government, a music concert will be organized, featuring famous Kenyan and refugee artists.
- Trees will be planted to mark World Refugee Day in specified areas both in Nairobi and in the camps. This will involve UNHCR staff, the general public and refugees. Organizing a 'refugee week' in the main learning institutions in the country, students will take part in academic symposiums, debates and panel discussions on refugee related issues. UNHCR will also put up a photo exhibition in two universities on UNHCR and refugees activities.
- Launch and run a two-week photo exhibition on the repatriation of Sudanese refugees. This exhibition will also be used afterward in learning institutions and in the camps.
- At camp level, refugee-participatory events will be held including cultural performances, speeches, exhibitions of refugee projects and sports activities.