National Activity Plan 2006: Korea, Republic of
National Activity Plan 2006: Korea, Republic of
20 June 2006
UNHCR staff register refugees at the Douma registration center on the outskirts of Damascus. Registering with UNHCR ensures that the most vulnerable refugees receive aid.
© UNHCR/M.Bernard
- To enhance awareness about World Refugee Day, copies in Korean of UNHCR's booklet for children: entitled: "Refugee Children: Escape from persecution and war" will be added as a special annex to the June 2006 issue of the monthly kids magazine "WIZKIDs".
- A TV programme/round table on asylum in Korea with special guests (UNHCR representative, Director-General of the National Human Rights Commission and a Parliamentarian) will be hosted by Ariang TV within their weekly programme in English language named "In Focus". The programme lasts 1 hour and will be broadcast on 23 June 2006 from 8pm to 9 pm.
- Arirang TV, will broadcast the UNHCR-headquarters-produced TV spot - "Flowers" throughout the month of June, in English.
- A major Korean Broadcasting System called Education Broadcasting System (EBS) will release the UNHCR TV Spot "Flowers" with Korean subtitles throughout the month of June.
- The Seoul Sinmun (daily newspaper) will feature an article on 20 June written by UNHCR Seoul and one local NGO "Gong-Gam, the Public Interests Lawyers Group".
- Exhibitions and a street festival will take place in Seoul in coordination with NGOs such as Refugee PNam and Amnesty International.
- In celebration of World Refugee Day 2006, the Asia Human Rights Solidarity, a local NGO based in Busan city will organize a photo exhibition on Afghan refugees from 19-23 June in Busan.
- Kim's Eye Hospital will offer an annual medical check-up week providing services for eye and internal medical care to Convention Refugees and Humanitarian Status holders. Venue: Kim's Eye Hospital, Kyunyang Medical School Hospital (Seoul) A photo exhibition will also take place at the lobby of Kim's Eye Hospital.
- Public awareness will be advanced through promotion material posted on the UNHCR Korean website.