World Refugee Day 2003: Uganda
World Refugee Day 2003: Uganda

Kyangwali refugee settlement in Hoima district marked the day with traditional music and dances, including a traditional war dance by Sudanese refugees. There was also a march past by refugee boy scouts and girl guides.

The highlight of the celebrations was a powerful drama presented by Sudanese refugees who were displaced after a rebel attack on Achol-Pii refugee settlement last year. They re-enacted the attack and its aftermath, including the long walk to safety in Lira town.

In Adjumani and Moyo districts, a refugee youth band was formed to perform in refugee settlements. Public debates were organised on various issues involving refugee youth, and a fund was launched to construct a youth centre for Adjumani. There were also sports and games.
In Imvepi refugee settlement in Arua district, refugees performed dances, dramas and poems, while aid agencies set up exhibition stalls to present their activities.
In May, young refugees were invited to participate in an art and essay competition. A book will be published with the winning poems, stories and artworks, copies of which will be distributed to schools.