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World Refugee Day 2004 National Activity Plan: Romania

World Refugee Day 2004 National Activity Plan: Romania

20 June 2004


From 4-6 June, UNHCR organised a seminar for journalists on "Asylum and refugee issues reflected in the Romanian mass media", in partnership with the National Refugee Office and NGO partners.

From 19-21 June, UNHCR and the French Institute in Bucharest will present "La fête musicale". The concerts they plan for 20 June will be dedicated to refugees and to the World Refugee Day.

UNHCR and its partners will present the refugee situation to students in high schools and universities of law, political science, social assistance, journalism, communication and public relations.

Save the Children Romania will organise in seven Bucharest schools a drawing contest with the theme, "Who are the refugee children?" The five winners will join refugee children on trips to the seaside and the mountains.

A TV show for children will be organised with refugee children.

There will be radio shows featuring the music of and cultures from the main countries of origin of refugees in Romania. Some refugees will participate in TV shows to make people aware of what refugees can bring to their host country.

There will also be a concert by a refugee band and a famous Romanian band made up of former refugees. Refugee children will have a show with dances from their countries of origin, modern dances, poems and a message for World Refugee Day. Refugee adolescents will have a fashion parade and dances.