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2021 for UNHCR’s Microdata Library: What did we achieve?

2021 for UNHCR’s Microdata Library: What did we achieve?

By Andrea Pellandra and Sofia Sacks Ferrari, Global Data Service © UNHCR/Amos Halder: Bangladesh. Rohingya refugees receive health and nutrition support in the health centres in Bhasan Char island. The health, protection, and socio-economic crises caused by COVID-19...
Evaluation of UNHCR-led Initiatives to end Statelessness

Evaluation of UNHCR-led Initiatives to end Statelessness

Aki Sibindi, 24, with her son Milton, 3, holds her children’s birth certificates at a ceremony on the outskirts of Nairobi to recognise families of Shona, a stateless community, as Kenyans. © UNHCR/Georgina Goodwin UNHCR’s mandate to address statelessness has...
EGRIS International Recommendations: Dissemination in Central Americas

EGRIS International Recommendations: Dissemination in Central Americas

On the 7th and 8th of June 2021, UNHCR together with CENTROESTAD-SICA convened a virtual workshop on ‘The Implementation of the International Recommendations on Forced Displacement Statistics of the Expert Group on Refugee and IDP Statistics (EGRIS)’ with the objective to raise awareness on the international recommendations and discuss their implementation in the region.