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UNHCR statement regarding the sea arrival of Syrian refugees on February 3, 2017

UNHCR statement regarding the sea arrival of Syrian refugees on February 3, 2017

Ελληνικά UNHCR would like to express its appreciation to the Republic of Cyprus for the swift rescue-at-sea of 93 Syrian refugees off the coast of Pyrgos on Friday night. About half of the refugees are children, some alone without their parents. The authorities took the necessary measures to ensure their reception and […]

JOB OPENING: Integration Associate

JOB OPENING: Integration Associate

UNHCR is looking to hire a highly motivated individual to assist its Country Office in Cyprus in carrying out a wide range of community development and integration-related activities, with a particular focus on education, and is inviting qualifying candidates to apply. For more more information on the position click here. […]

JOB OPENING: Digital Communication Assistant

JOB OPENING: Digital Communication Assistant

UNHCR is looking to hire a highly motivated individual to assist its Country Office in Cyprus in the further development, optimization and maintenance of its national website, social media and other digital platforms and is inviting qualifying candidates to apply. For more more information on the position click here. To […]