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World Refugee Day 2017 commemorated in the Islamic Republic of Iran

World Refugee Day 2017 commemorated in the Islamic Republic of Iran

World Refugee Day was commemorated jointly by the Bureau for Aliens and Foreign Immigrants' Affairs (BAFIA) and the Representation of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in the Islamic Republic of Iran in the historical "Museum Garden of Negarestan" in Tehran to which High rank officials from the Government organizations, Diplomatic Missions, International…
20 June 2017

World Refugee Day was commemorated jointly by the Bureau for Aliens and Foreign Immigrants' Affairs (BAFIA) and the Representation of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in the Islamic Republic of Iran in the historical "Museum Garden of Negarestan" in Tehran to which High rank officials from the Government organizations, Diplomatic Missions, International Organizations, NGOs and International NGOs and refugees themselves participated.
The event included speeches by Deputy Minister of Interior, the Representative of UNHCR Iran, BAFIA and the Ministry of Health. The refugees themselves had an important share in the day's event. A very touching theatre play was performed by talented refugees conveying the message of "Education and Knowledge can lead to Peace and Friendship" and a live testimony was made by a female refugee head of household telling her story and the benefits of her enrollment to the Salamat health insurance and how she and her family members had been able to take care of their health and of course how it had saved their financial costs.  She finished by making an appeal to her compatriots to enroll in the Salamat health insurance scheme.
The day continued with an exhibition of "Services rendered to refugees in the Islamic Republic of Iran"; where all partners of BAFIA and UNHCR introduced their services. Refugees also held some stalls where they showed outcomes of joint projects from which they had benefited; i.e. Revolving Funds project where refugees got loans to start a business, employied other refugees in their businesses and paid back their loans in time.
The commemoration ended with the guests and the refugees breaking their fast with a simple tradiitonal Iftar, hoping for peace for all.
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