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2020 Call for Expression of Interest

2020 Call for Expression of Interest

29 July 2019

UNHCR policy on selection and retention is to ensure that UNHCR partners with the most suitable organization in a given operation for the implementation of projects, in order to provide quality protection and assistance to refugees and other persons of concern. As partners bring distinctive attributes and UNHCR operates in varying and challenging environments, it is necessary to identify the Best-Fit Partner.
Submission of Concept Note
Interested existing or prospective National and International Partners are requested to submit a Concept Note in response to the Call for Expression of Interest in line with the provided format.
The Concept Note is primarily for an agency to express its unique advantage and added value for the Project objectives. The Concept Note is intended to allow the agency to:

  • Describe how the proposed project will achieve its expected outcome;
  • Demonstrate the unique advantage, distinctive technical capacity, strengths and past experiences it would bring to the partnership for realizing the desired outcome of the Project;
  • Describe the activities, methodology and implementation approach for realizing the desired outcome of the Project;
  •  Estimate the total cost of the project, including total funding to be requested from UNHCR, the organization’s contribution (financial and/or in‐kind) as well as any contributions by other donors, and
  • Demonstrate its complementariness to UNHCR's capacities and resources for the Project.

Therefore, the Concept Note should not be a fully developed project document and should be concise, contain clear information and not exceed three pages.
In the case where an applicant agency would prefer to submit one concept note covering several of the Projects included in this Call for Expression of Interest (across sectors and governorates / location), resource breakdown should be provided per sector, per governorate / location and it is recommended that the Concept Note should not exceed five pages.
Once selected, negotiations and discussions on the project design and plan will be initiated and the Concept Note will be developed into a detailed Project Partnership Agreement.
Attention: Registration with the Government of Lebanon is a pre-condition for selection of partners. Legal registration with Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Finance in Lebanon is mandatory. Receiving an account number from the Ministry of Interior is not sufficient to be eligible to apply to the Call for Expression of Interest.
How to apply
The Call for Expression of Interest (EoI) is open to all existing and/or new prospective National and International Partners who wish to participate in UNHCR’s operations in 2020 and participate in achieving common goals and objectives. Based on concept notes received, UNHCR will select the best-fit partner for the relevant sector(s) and area(s).
All submissions and annexes should be submitted in English through the UN Partner Portal: (Partnership Opportunities). Please note that the system allows you to upload only one file. For submissions with several documents, place all documents in a folder, zip the folder and upload the zipped file.
Documents required for submission can be found on the following link:
All Call for Expression of Interest documents are also available on UN Partner Portal  (Partnership Opportunities).
The closing date for this call is 19 August 2019. Late submissions will not be accepted for review.