Expression of Interest: No. EOI/2024/014 for leasing of office building in Beirut
Expression of Interest: No. EOI/2024/014 for leasing of office building in Beirut
Expression of Interest: No. EOI/2024/014; For leasing of office building in Beirut.
You can find the link at Daleel al Madani:
Annex A: Premises requirement.
Annex B: UNHCR General Conditions of Contracts for the Provision of Goods and Services – 2018
Annex C: UNHCR Supplier Code of Conduct
Annex D: Technical offer form (excel format)
How to apply
Interested Real Estate/Property Agents are kindly requested to respond in writing not later than
29 May 2024 - 23:59 Hrs Lebanon local time.
The documents must be sent by email to [email protected] and copying [email protected] . The covering letter must bear your official letter head, clearly identifying your company. Documents including attachments should be submitted in PDF format. Copies of the PDF format documents may, as an addition, be included in Excel or other formats etc.
It is your responsibility to verify that all emails have been received properly before the deadline. Please note that the email policy employed by UNHCR limits the size of attachments to a maximum of 10 MB, so it may be necessary to send more than one email for the whole submission.
Please indicate in the email subject field:
EOI/2024/014: Expression of Interest on leasing of office Facility
Name of your firm/company with the name of the attachment
Number of emails sent e.g., 1/3, 2/3, 3/3 etc.