ITB 2021 008 - for the establishment of a Frame agreement for the supply and delivery of medical items
ITB 2021 008 - for the establishment of a Frame agreement for the supply and delivery of medical items
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), on behalf of UNHCR,UNFPA, UNICEF, UNRWA, WHO, WFP, RI, IMC, IOM, MSF and OCHA, in Lebanon, invites authorized, qualified and experienced local companies to make a firm offer for the establishment of a frame agreement(s) for the supply and delivery of Medical items as listed in Annex A, to the participating UN agencies and NGOs based in Lebanon (referred to hereinafter as “Goods”).
The following annexes form integral part of this Invitation to Bid:
- Annex A: Bill of Quantity BoQ and Technical Requirements/specifications
- Annex B: Technical Submission sheet
- Annex C: Financial Offer Form
- Annex D: Vendor Registration Form
- Annex E: UNHCR General Conditions of Contracts for the Provision of Goods and Services –July 2018 version
- Annex F: UN Supplier code of conduct