UNHCR Lebanon statement on operational and structural changes
UNHCR Lebanon statement on operational and structural changes
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency would like to clarify some recently published information regarding upcoming operational and structural changes affecting its operation in Lebanon.
These changes, which will be implemented starting April 2025, are triggered by the reality of decreasing funding, which has been affecting UNHCR’s work since 2016, and which is expected to continue while the needs in Lebanon remain high. UNHCR Lebanon is forced to make enhanced strategic choices, aligned with our protection mandate, humanitarian principles, and efficiency considerations.
UNHCR and humanitarians worldwide are being asked to do more with less resources. This has forced UNHCR worldwide, and in Lebanon specifically, to prioritize and reprioritize. In Lebanon, UNHCR Lebanon is only 24% funded so far for 2024 as of 31 June 2024. UN agencies as well as NGOs in Lebanon are also facing funding challenges.
UNHCR emphasizes that the upcoming operational and structural changes are not specifically designed to discontinue positions for UNHCR staff. However, difficult decisions have had to be made to ensure that UNHCR’s work continues to be focused on the most vulnerable, and aimed at ensuring that the limited resources that we have are targeted at providing essential support to the most vulnerable communities in a nimble and agile manner with moderately-sized overhead costs.
For the third year in a row, these changes are considerable and, in some cases, far-reaching. As a result of the reprioritizations and rescaling of operations, several positions currently held by UNHCR international and national staff members will regrettably be discontinued and adjustments will have to be made in our field footprint.
In line with its global mandate, UNHCR is committed to supporting host governments in their response to refugee crises. UNHCR remains committed to being a supportive, transparent and a constructive partner in Lebanon. We will continue to advocate actively for more support to Lebanon and mobilize our efforts to ensure that scarce resources continue to respond to the needs and concerns of the most vulnerable in Lebanon. Additionally, we will continue emphasizing the importance for the international community to prioritize durable solutions to ensure international protection for refugees and help alleviate the situation in Lebanon.