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UNHCR Response to MTV's Evening News Bulletin on 5 May 2024

Press releases

UNHCR Response to MTV's Evening News Bulletin on 5 May 2024

10 May 2024

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency wishes to respond to false allegations made in a news report aired on MTV’s evening bulletin on 5 May 2024, in which UNHCR is portrayed as operating “above the law”.
UNHCR strongly refutes these allegations and condemns such a portrayal which lacks any foundation or truth.
UNHCR coordinates all aspects of its work in Lebanon with the relevant governmental authorities, and in no way undermines Lebanese laws and regulations. UNHCR maintains a zero-tolerance policy for fraud and corruption, extending this standard to our partners. UNHCR takes allegations of fraud with utmost seriousness, and takes all necessary actions in accordance with our internal rules and regulations to uphold integrity and accountability.
UNHCR deeply regrets to have to, once again, respond to an MTV report making such allegations against UNHCR without approaching the organization for a comment.
UNHCR also wishes to clarify misleading claims related to cash assistance. In fact, this year, UNHCR and WFP are assisting 88,000 refugee families fewer compared to 2023 with cash and food assistance in Lebanon, indicating a 32% net reduction in the number of beneficiaries.
UNHCR reiterates that it recognizes the challenges that Lebanon is facing as a result of hosting large numbers of refugees, especially amid the multifaceted crisis the country is experiencing. However, UNHCR once again underlines the dangers of spreading misinformation and renews its invitation to MTV to ask UNHCR for a clarification before airing reports founded on unverified information in the future.