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Mid-Year Trends

Over 122.6 million people are forcibly displaced globally

122.6 million

Over 122.6 million people are forcibly displaced from their homes.

1 in 67

This equates to 1 in every 67 people on Earth. 


The majority – 87 per cent – reside in low- and middle-income countries.

* The total number of people forcibly displaced is calculated using statistics by UNHCR, UNRWA and IDMC. UNRWA estimates that 70 per cent of the 1.7 million IDPs in the Gaza Strip at mid-2024 were Palestine refugees under its mandate. These internally displaced refugees under UNRWA’s mandate are only counted once in the global forcibly displaced total. ** Data for year prior to 2024 comes from IDMC. The mid-2024 estimate is calculated using IDMC’s end-2023 figure (68.3 million people) as a base. It only reflects changes in the statistics in the 37 countries in which UNHCR reported internal displacement during the first six months of 2024 (+3.8 million). The mid-year estimate is therefore likely to be under representative of the global total.

New displacements

Global forced displacement increased by 5.3 million people in the first six months of 2024.


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Ibrahim | Sudanese IDP

"I still hope that one day the situation will be good in Sudan and war will stop. We will go back to our normal life, and we will go back to our universities."

In 2020, Ibrahim achieved the highest score in Sudan’s high school examinations for agriculture. "My friends could not believe the news,” says Ibrahim. “I ran to my parents and told them. It was a very happy moment for me."

The following year, he started university with the dream of becoming the country's agriculture minister, but this dream was put on hold when conflict broke out in Sudan in April 2023. 

“We hoped the situation would get better so we could continue with our work and education. But day by day, the fighting got worse." Ibrahim fled with his family to an IDP site in White Nile State. They now live in a classroom along with almost 80 other people, but he has not given up on his dream: "I still have hope of being the Minister of Agriculture or an economic expert.”


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Mid-Year Trends 2024

UNHCR's Mid-Year Trends report presents the latest numbers of refugees, asylum-seekers, internally displaced and stateless persons worldwide.

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All data are provisional and subject to change.