Internships in UNHCR
Internships in UNHCR
UNHCR seeks to engage interns with diverse academic backgrounds, profiles, educational experience, and knowledge in various professional fields, who may bring innovative thinking and different ideas to the Organization. The work of interns is expected to contribute to UNHCR delivering on its mandate for refugees and asylum-seekers, returnees, stateless people, and internally displaced persons while helping the Organization remain relevant in the competitive humanitarian environment.
To be considered eligible for an internship, the candidates must:
- Be a recent graduate (recent graduates are to be considered those persons who completed their studies within two years of applying for an internship with UNHCR) or current student in a graduate/undergraduate school programme from a university or higher education facility accredited by UNESCO
- Have completed at least two years of undergraduate studies in a field relevant or of interest to the work of the Organization; and
- Not have immediate relatives (father, mother, brother, or sister) working for UNHCR as a staff member on any contract type or as an affiliate at the time of application.
UNHCR provides interns with a learning opportunity to gain knowledge and practical experience related to their academic programme or future work in a field related to UNHCR’s mission. By being directly exposed to the work of the Organization, interns have the chance to develop their skills and aptitudes.
Interns are neither “staff members” under the Staff Regulations and Rules of the United Nations, nor “officials” within the meaning of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations. Bilateral host country agreements with UNHCR may regulate the status of interns. Unless specifically excepted under a host country agreement, interns are subject to and must observe their obligations under local law, including laws relating to taxation and social security.
Internships will initially be granted for a minimum period of two months, up to a maximum of six months. Upon the agreement of the intern and the manager, an internship may be extended up to a maximum total cumulative duration of eight months for full-time internships and twelve months for part-time internships, provided that the eligibility criteria continue to be met. An intern may undertake multiple consecutive internship assignments as long as the total cumulative internship duration is not exceeded.
Food and local transportation allowance and travel costs:
Interns who do not receive financial support from an outside party will receive an allowance to partially help support costs related to food, local transportation and living expenses.
Unless provided or paid by their sponsoring entities, UNHCR will also reimburse interns engaged from a location outside the country of the duty station for return travel costs to/from the duty station by the most economical route available irrespective of the duration of the journey. It is the intern’s responsibility to arrange for a visa and to cover related visa costs. UNHCR can provide support with the required documents.
Medical insurance and Vaccination
This internship is subject to proof of vaccination against Covid-19 with WHO approved vaccine and medical clearance.
Before the start of an internship with UNHCR, candidates are responsible for arranging medical insurance and for providing proof to UNHCR of valid medical insurance covering the period of the contract. UNHCR accepts no responsibility for any costs connected to medical insurance of interns, nor does the organization cover the costs for medical evacuation of interns. Interns working in locations where medical facilities are inadequate are advised to ensure that their medical insurance covers emergency medical evacuation.
Furthermore, the health insurance selected by interns should provide the necessary geographical coverage for both accidents and illness.
How to Apply
To register for the UNHCR Türkiye Internship Programme, please send your motivation letter, CV and P11 form to: [email protected]
Your application will be added to the UNHCR Turkiye Intern Pool and will be shared with various departments in the operation based on the profile and area of interest.
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