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Refugee flow from Togo has remained steady

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Refugee flow from Togo has remained steady

20 May 2005

The refugee flow from Togo to neighbouring Benin and Ghana has remained steady over recent days, with the combined total of refugees in both countries now nearly 32,000 up from 26,084 a week earlier. In Ghana, no new arrivals have been reported during the week. However, the refugees numbers increased to 14,964 compared to 10,866 a week earlier after figures were consolidated earlier this week to take account of registration of previous arrivals in remote areas through informal crossing points located by the mobile monitoring teams.

The joint mobile and registration teams with UNHCR, government and NGO staff, continue to monitor the borders, occasionally coming across small pockets of refugees who had arrived previously. On Thursday, a group of 237 refugees were located and registered by the mobile team at Lipke-Todorme in the Hohoe district. Nearly all refugees in Ghana are staying with host families, but increasingly their supplies are reaching very low levels. We are targeting our assistance with food and other supplies to ensure the hospitality of host families towards the new arrivals can be maintained.

In Benin, there are now 17,000 refugees and arrivals at the main Hilakondji border crossing are continuing at the rate of over 100 a day. Refugees are still arriving directly in the capital Cotonou with 847 registered over the last two days.