Diego Luna

Diego Luna
About Diego
Actor and director Diego Luna has been supporting UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, since 2013, when for World Refugee Day he shared a video stressing that one minute is all it takes to help families forced to flee.
In 2015 he participated in our Vuelta al Mundo en una Mochila (Around the World in a Backpack) campaign, which promoted solidarity with the millions of refugee, displaced and stateless children in the world. To the travelling backpack Diego donated two puppets that he made himself - Lola and Paco - characters created to remind children how easy it is to have fun telling stories.
In 2016 Diego added his voice to Words Matter, a video highlighting the difference between the terms ‘migrant’ and ‘refugee’, whose confusion can deprive many refugees of their rights.
In 2017, Diego launched UNHCR’s Children on the Run campaign in a press conference at Museo Memoria y Tolerancia in Mexico City. The campaign aimed to raise awareness and funds for the invisible displacement crisis in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Diego met with refugee children and adolescents from these countries in Mexico, learning more about their experiences, impressions and dreams.