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National Activity Plan 2005: Mexico

National Activity Plan 2005: Mexico

20 June 2005

Refugee children wash their families' clothes in Djabal camp. Many children are overwhelmed with daily chores and as a result attend school only sporadically.

  • 17 June, Ateneo Español, Mexico City: Inauguration of photo exhibition on Colombian refugees and IDPs, "Arrancados de raíz".
  • 18 June: Third WRD Festival, Refugee Park, Mexico City. Music performances, selling of arts and crafts, and food.
  • 20 June: One-day activities around WRD, at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Activities in partnership with UNHCR. Programme includes cultural activities, chats with students on refugee issues, a simulation of mass exodus, conference with academics and experts on refugee issues. Participation of the refugee community encouraged.
  • 20 May - 21 June: Inauguration of photo exhibition, "Latin America: Land of asylum" at the Architecture School, UNAM, Mexico City.
  • 20 June, Casa de la cultura, Tapachula City: Inauguration of photo exhibition, "Latin America: Land of Asylum".
  • 29 June: Prize-giving ceremony for the drawing contest organized by UNHCR, the National Council to Prevent Discrimination (CONAPRED), Amnesty International, COMAR (Mexican Commission for the Assistance of Refugees) and Sin Fronteras (UNHCR's implementing partner).