National Activity Plan 2005: Slovakia
National Activity Plan 2005: Slovakia
20 June 2005
UNHCR staff register refugees at the Douma registration center on the outskirts of Damascus. Registering with UNHCR ensures that the most vulnerable refugees receive aid.
© UNHCR/M.Bernard
- 17 June: WRD celebrations: Boat trip on the Danube from Bratislava to Gabcikovo refugee site for refugees, asylum seekers, politicians, media, NGOs, singers/ groups, with press conference on the boat.
- 17 June, Gabcikovo City Cultural Centre: "Artists for Refugees" concert with performances including Katka Koscova, exhibitions of refugee paintings and photos installed in the hall. Photographs will present the life of refugees through their own eyes. In partnership with students of the Arts faculty and NGOs.
- Broadcast of roundtable debate on refugee issues on TV programme "Under the Lamp" (STV 2 channel).
- Broadcast of TV spot "Stereotypes - Integration of Refugees in the EU" on TA3, STV, TV Joj and Markiza channels.
- 26 June: WRD event in Brezova pod Bradlom (refugee site): Meeting of municipality representatives and locals with refugees and exhibition of refugee drawings on the town's square.