National Activity Plan 2006: Ethiopia
National Activity Plan 2006: Ethiopia
20 June 2006
UNHCR staff register refugees at the Douma registration center on the outskirts of Damascus. Registering with UNHCR ensures that the most vulnerable refugees receive aid.
© UNHCR/M.Bernard
- UNHCR will work with the AU (African Union) on all the projects for World Refugee Day this year.
- Activities at the camp level will include exhibitions, speeches, panel discussions, festivals, literary contests, mass gatherings, seminars and workshops, and will involve the local community and officials.
- Each camp will nominate an individual refugee or a refugee organization for a "Hope Award" to be presented in Addis on 20 June, in recognition of their unique experiences of not giving up hope. If an organization wins, the award will serve for supporting their projects.
- To promote the right to work as a tool for local integration of refugees, films/documentaries relevant to the theme "Hope" will be screened.
- A media campaign will aim at creating awareness on refugee issues and protection imperatives among the general Ethiopian public, policy makers and others. It will feature a panel of former refugees on TV to share their experiences, in relation with the theme "Hope".
- A high-level visit to one of the refugee camps will be organized to achieve maximum publicity. The delegation will be composed of African Union, ARRA and UNHCR and accompanied by media.
- A photo exhibition and "refugee arts & crafts market" will be organized in Addis Abada as an illustration of hope and self-reliance.