National Activity Plan 2006: Japan
National Activity Plan 2006: Japan
20 June 2006
UNHCR staff register refugees at the Douma registration center on the outskirts of Damascus. Registering with UNHCR ensures that the most vulnerable refugees receive aid.
© UNHCR/M.Bernard
- A refugee workshop, lecture and picture book DVD show will take place at Toyota City Industry and Culture Centre on 1 June in Aichi.
- The Nerima Culture and Art Club will hold a charity art exhibition at Oizumi Gakuen Yumeria Gallery in Tokyo from 1-4 June.
- A World Refugee photo exhibition is scheduled at three places in Hiroshima from 1-20 June.
- On 5 June a charity concert will be held at Oizumi Gakuen Yumeria Hall in Tokyo.
- A workshop on refugee law will be organized at Chiyoda Platform Square in Tokyo on 17 June.
- A photo exhibition and reading picture book event will be held at the Okayama Prefecture library in Okayama.
- From 19 June to 14 July a World Refugee Day photo exhibition will take place in Tokyo. The exhibition will include the following projects: the Wonder Eyes Project, the Peace Pack Project and the Eye Glasses Donation Mission.
- From 19-23 June, a refugee photo exhibition, a lecture and a street donation will be organized at the Kwansei Gakuen University in the city Hyogo.
- On 24 June a World Refugee Day symposium is scheduled in Tokyo. The theme for the AM session is "Hope: from the field" and the theme of the PM session is "Hope: What can we do in Japan?".
- On 25 June, a World Refugee Day soccer game co-hosted by Waseda University Volunteers and Nissan will take place.
- To address the lack of public awareness about refugee issues, a Refugee Film Festival is scheduled from the 20-27 July, in Tokyo. The films will be shown with day and evening screenings at the Movie Hall of the Swedish Embassy (confirmed) as well as L'institut Franco-Japonaise (to be confirmed) They cover refugee related topics like hope and intolerance, worldwide with a focus on Asia. Access to all screenings is free of charge.