National Activity Plan 2006: Kyrgyzstan
National Activity Plan 2006: Kyrgyzstan
20 June 2006
Refugee children wash their families' clothes in Djabal camp. Many children are overwhelmed with daily chores and as a result attend school only sporadically.
© UNHCR/H.Caux
- In line with the slogan "Hope", UNHCR in the Kyrgyz Republic is implementing a series of activities in view of World Refugee Day, aimed at highlighting the right of refugees to appropriate durable solutions and their positive contributions to the societies that host them.
- At the end of April, journalists in the capital Bishkek and in the South of the country were trained on refugee related issues and in the same occasion an article and broadcast contest was launched.
- In order to foster interest in refugees among the youth, university students were briefed in Osh and an essay competition was organised.
- On June 20, several activities will take place throughout the country, initiated by the refugee communities themselves and under the supervision of UNHCR project managers.
- Moreover, multicultural World Refugee Day celebrations will happen in Bishkek and in the southern capital Osh. Refugees as well as local artists will perform, handicrafts will be sold and a food fair featuring the national dishes of the refugee communities hosted in Kyrgyzstan will be held. On the same occasion, the winners of the article and broadcast as well as of the essay competition will be announced.