National Activity Plan 2006: Nepal
National Activity Plan 2006: Nepal
20 June 2006
UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie and US Secretary of State Colin Powell celebrating World Refugee Day in Washington, D.C. © UNHCR/H.Farhad
© © UNHCR/H.Farhad
- A poetry competition for the school children on the theme of this year's WRD "Hope" will be organised in all the refugee camps. The best three from each camp will be awarded with prizes on 20 June 2006.
- A football and volleyball competition will be organised in all the seven Bhutanese refugee camps. Two winners for each sport competition will be awarded prizes on 20 June 2006.
- Different cultural events at the refugee camps will focus on the theme, "Hope" - songs, dance, drama, speeches on 20 June 2006.
- A "Dohari" Competition (a folk singing competition) on this year's theme will be organised in all camps. The best group from each camp to be given prizes on 20 June 2006.
- A programme highlighting UNHCR's mandate and role as to the Tibetan new arrivals to be held on 20 June 2006 at the Tibetan Reception Centre in Kathmandu.
- A public talk programme on "Refugee and Human Rights" by Amnesty International (AI) Nepal on 20 June 2006. UNHCR will highlight its role in the protection of refugee in Nepal.
- A talk on "Need for early solution for the Bhutanese refugee issue" to be organized by the Students' Forum of the Nepal Law Campus on 21 June 2006.
- A public debate on refugees will be held through a radio programme of Radio Nepal "Prabah". To be broadcast by Image Channel on 20 June 2006.
- The World Refugee Day TV spot to be broadcasted by Kantipur TV from 19 to 21 June 2006.
- The World Refugee Day Radio spot to be aired by Kantipur FM from 19 to 21 June 2006.