National Activity Plan 2006: Turkmenistan
National Activity Plan 2006: Turkmenistan
20 June 2006
UNHCR staff register refugees at the Douma registration center on the outskirts of Damascus. Registering with UNHCR ensures that the most vulnerable refugees receive aid.
© UNHCR/M.Bernard
- To generate the attention of international and national communities on refugee issues a concert by "SAZ", a famous local classical band will play music from different nations (Iranian, Tajik, Armenian, United Kingdom) in Ashgabat at the new modern theatre named after Magtymguly. At the end of the concert, a reception will be organized on behalf of UNHCR.
- In association with the Children Fund of Turkmenistan t-shirts with the World Refugee Day logo will be distributed.
- Invitations will be sent to the media to highlight World Refugee Day celebration and events.
- Books will be distributed to the library of refugee schools in 21 settlements.
- In association with the World Turkmen Humanitarian Association (WTHA) a soccer competition will be held in the 22 refugee settlements in the Akhal (2 settlements), Mary (10 settlements) and Lebap (10 settlements) provinces. At the end of the competition the winner of each province will be awarded.