World Refugee Day 2002: Costa Rica
World Refugee Day 2002: Costa Rica

The Refugee Women photo exhibition was inaugurated on 20 June at the Historical Museum "Rafael Angel Calderón Guardia" in San José.
The official inauguration was conducted by the director of the museum, the Deputy Director of the Immigration Office, the Minister of Women Affairs and the UNHCR representative.
The event was attended by various people including government officials, diplomats, university authorities, NGOs, ombudspersons, media, Inter-American Human Rights officers, refugees and UN officials.
The photo exhibition remained at the Calderón Guardia Museum for two weeks. The exhibit moved to 6 other locations:
17-27 July: Culture House "Alfredo Gonzáles Flores", Heredia City
1-16 August: Lobby, San Carlos Hospital, Ciudad Quesada, Northern area of the country.
19-30 August: Inscription building, University of Costa Rica, campus "Rodrigo Facio", San José
2-13 September: Museum of the University of Costa Rica, San Ramón, Alajuela City
16-27 September: Lobby, Radisson Europa Hotel, San José
1-11 October: Regional Museum "Omar Salazar Hidalgo", University of Costa Rica, Turrialba, Cartago City