World Refugee Day 2002: Spain
World Refugee Day 2002: Spain

On 29 May, UNHCR and España con ACNUR held a press conference with the participation of Ms. Nuria Spert (actress), Carmen Posadas (novelist), and the president of the Afghan Women's Association in Spain.
UNHCR and España con ACNUR participated in the Madrid Book Fair from 31 May to 16 June. Paintings and other items were donated by famous figures including His Majesty King Juan Carlos I.
The photo exhibition "Women, Exile, and Beauty" was held in Madrid from 12 to 30 June. The opening ceremony took place at Casa de América with the presence of the First Lady,
Ms. Ana Botella, and several refugee women. Rasha, a Sudanese singer, performed at the event. Another set of the exhibit was displayed in Barcelona from 18 to 30 June.