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Data Blog

Advancing the collection and use of data to inspire solutions for forced displacement

Keeping UNHCR’s Biometrics System up to date

Keeping UNHCR’s Biometrics System up to date

When UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, began collecting biometrics in 2002, it was for one local and very specific use case: To facilitate fair and single-time cash grants, irises of Afghan refugees in Pakistan were collected.
Alongside many developments in biometrics over the past two decades, UNHCR explored and implemented different biometric tools in different regions and for different purposes. Since the beginning, biometrics brought direct benefits to refugees, UNHCR, and partners alike, and are now considered an integral component of registration data in over 90 UNHCR country operations globally.

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Bridging the digital divide – How UNHCR uses telephone for data collection of forcibly displaced persons

Bridging the digital divide – How UNHCR uses telephone for data collection of forcibly displaced persons

Sampling hard-to-reach populations has been a challenge for surveys for a long time. In the context of forced displacement, out-of-camp refugees, and internally displaced persons (IDPs) are particularly difficult to include in a sampling frame due to higher mobility compared to populations who reside in camps. UNHCR used Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI)-Assisted Telephone Interviews to collect household-level data of refugees and asylum-seekers.

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Coherent, coordinated and quality emergency training for UNHCR staff

Coherent, coordinated and quality emergency training for UNHCR staff

The typical emergency response relies heavily on UNHCR’s ability to quickly scale up on staffing, budgets, and activities that deliver assistance and protection. UNHCR works with a roster of registration colleagues, who can be deployed within 72 hours when a new emergency arises and has developed a revamped Emergency Registration Learning Programme for colleagues.

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Tackling Kenya’s longstanding refugee situation: the need for comprehensive solutions

Tackling Kenya’s longstanding refugee situation: the need for comprehensive solutions

Sajjad Malik, UNHCR’s Director for Resilience and Solutions, returns to the Kakuma and Dadaab refugee camps 30 years after he helped set up services there. Ahead of the Global Refugee Forum 2023, he reflects on the importance of the Marshall Plan and the role of development organizations to building pathways for refugees to reach their aspirations.

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A renewed approach towards personal data protection in the UN Refugee Agency

A renewed approach towards personal data protection in the UN Refugee Agency

UNHCR enters 2023 with the General Policy on Personal Data and Privacy (GDPP) issued by the High Commissioner. The new policy establishes an updated and unified data protection and privacy framework applicable to the collection, use and sharing of personal data of all individuals by UNHCR, fostering trust among people we serve, staff, partners, and donors.

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Responsible and Timely: Sharing Data on UNHCR’s Microdata Library in 2022

Responsible and Timely: Sharing Data on UNHCR’s Microdata Library in 2022

Data in humanitarian action can provide accurate and up-to-date information on the location, size, demographics and needs of populations affected by crises. This information is used to develop and implement targeted interventions, such as the provision of water, sanitation, shelter, and other critical emergency assistance to those who need it most.

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