
Nafa Jihad, 40嵗,父親
400萬 受關注人士
340萬 伊拉克國内流離失所者

Internally displaced Iraqi women and children walk down a rocky path into Debaga camp, near Mosul in northern Iraq. Over 60,000 people passed through the camp between April and October 2016 as they fled their homes in anticipation of heavy fighting in Mosul. Civilians who remain trapped in the city are of grave concern to UNHCR and we are preparing for a humanitarian emergency. ; Around 3.3 million Iraqis, some ten per cent of the population of Iraq, have fled their homes since fighting intensified in March 2014. With a military operation to retake Mosul beginning in October 2016, new camps have been quickly built by UN agencies in Iraq to accommodate some of the anticipated 1 million people likely to be displaced. Debaga camp, completed in late 2015 for an initial 3,000 people, quickly saw its population increase tenfold. The numbers are likely to continue rising.