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Emergency Response

Emergency Response

In emergencies, we must think quick and act fast. Whether conflict has caused people to flee their homes or political upheaval has displaced a population overnight, UNHCR is there to help.

Our experts are ready to deploy and deliver assistance anywhere in the world. Thanks to our global network of suppliers, specialized organizations and partners, we can launch an emergency operation within 72 hours. To maintain this capacity, UNHCR has developed regular training programs. These include an Emergency Management Workshop to prepare all volunteers in our Emergency Response Team pool for a possible humanitarian crisis. This one-week training takes place three or four times a year with the participation of 40 volunteers and focuses on team building, operational planning, communication and negotiation skills, security and more.

UNHCR’s Bangkok headquarters helps increase emergency preparedness and response capabilities in the Asia-Pacific region through targeted training and other capacity-building measures. In addition, we also contribute to interagency initiatives to enhance early warning and preparedness capacity.