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National Activity Plan 2006: Sri Lanka

National Activity Plan 2006: Sri Lanka

20 June 2006
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A mass walk in Quetta attended by the All Pakistan Youth Federation, UNHCR and its partner agencies, as well as government officials.

  • UNHCR Sri Lanka will this year mark World Refugee Day on 28 June 2006 with a performance by the 'Ravibandhu-Samanthi Dance Ensemble', a leading dance troupe in Sri Lanka, who will perform a range of dance and music items specially choreographed for UNHCR around this year's theme 'Hope'.
  • Speaking at the event will be UNHCR Representatives, a Maldivian refugee living in Sri Lanka, and a government official.
  • As part of an ongoing campaign to raise awareness on World Refugee Day among children, posters are being distributed among many Sri Lankan schools.
  • A UNHCR Sri Lanka website will also be launched at the ceremony. In addition to stories on World Refugee Day 2006, the site will also include human interest features, statistical information, maps and UNHCR publications.