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Humanitarian assistance to refugees in Djibouti

Executive Committee Meetings

Humanitarian assistance to refugees in Djibouti

15 December 1980
2 p.


182. Humanitarian assistance to refugees in Djibouti

The General Assembly,

Having heard the statement of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees,1

Taking note with satisfaction of the report of the Secretary-General,2 the annex to which contains the report on the assessment of the needs of the refugees in Djibouti, as prepared by the interagency mission which visited Djibouti from 5 to 11 June 1980,

Noting with satisfaction the oral report of the High Commissioner with respect to assistance to the refugees in Djibouti,

Recalling Economic and Social Council resolutions 1980/11 of 28 April 1980 and 1980/44 of 23 July 1980 on assistance to the refugees in Djibouti,

Aware of the consequences of the social and economic burden placed on the Government and people of Djibouti as a result of the influx of refugees and the subsequent impact on the national development and infrastructure of that country,

Noting with appreciation the concern and continued efforts of the Office of the High Commissioner, the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Children's Fund, the World Health Organization, the World Food Programme and the non-governmental organizations which have worked closely with the Government of Djibouti on the relief and rehabilitation programme for the refugees in that country,

1. Appreciates the action taken by the Secretary-General in arranging and dispatching the interagency mission to Djibouti to assess the needs of the refugees;

2. Takes note with appreciation of the oral report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and of the assessment of the needs of the refugees in Djibouti contained in the report prepared by the mission;

3. Endorses the report of the mission to Djibouti and the recommendations contained therein;

4. Invites the High Commissioner to continue his humanitarian assistance to the refugees in Djibouti;

5. Requests the High Commissioner to continue to ensure that adequate assistance programmes are organized for the refugees, to keep the refugee situation in Djibouti under constant review and to maintain close contact with Member States and the governmental and non-governmental organizations concerned to mobilize the necessary assistance to the Government of Djibouti to cope effectively with the refugee situation;

6. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Economic and Social Council at its first regular session of 1981 and to the General Assembly at its thirty-sixth session on the implementation of the present resolution.

96th plenary meeting
15 December 1980

1 Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirty-fifth Session, Third Committee, 51st meeting, paras. 1-8.

2 104 A/35/409.