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Safety of UNHCR Staff and Other Humanitarian Personnel

Executive Committee Meetings

Safety of UNHCR Staff and Other Humanitarian Personnel
No. 83 (XLVIII) - 1997

17 October 1997
Executive Committee 48th session. Contained in United Nations General Assembly Document No. 12A (A/52/12/Add.1).

The Executive Committee,

Stressing the humanitarian, non-political nature of UNHCR's mandate,

Emphasizing that all States must respect and promote the principles and norms of international humanitarian law, including those relating to the safety and security of humanitarian personnel, and taking note of the 1994 Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel, as well as Security Council Presidential Statement S/PRST/1997/34,

Noting that the local and international staff of UNHCR and its implementing partners, as well as other humanitarian personnel, are increasingly required to operate in conflict areas and under hazardous conditions entailing physical risk and mental stress,

Commending the High Commissioner's staff for the courageous and dedicated manner in which they discharge their responsibilities in conflict areas and under hazardous conditions, and paying tribute to those staff members and their families who have suffered serious mental stress or physical injury, or whose lives have been endangered or lost in the course of their duties,

(a) Strongly condemns any acts which obstruct or prevent the staff of UNHCR and its implementing partners, as well as other humanitarian personnel, from discharging their humanitarian functions, or which entail their being subjected to threats, use of force, and physical attack frequently resulting in injury or death;

(b) Calls upon States and all concerned parties:

(i) to refrain from any actions which prevent or obstruct the staff of UNHCR and its implementing partners, as well as other humanitarian personnel, from performing the functions required under their mandates;

(ii) to take all possible measures to safeguard the physical security and property of the staff of UNHCR and its implementing partners, as well as of other humanitarian personnel;

(iii) to facilitate the discharge of the mandated functions of UNHCR and its implementing partners, as well as of other humanitarian organizations;

(c) Requests States to take all necessary steps to investigate fully any crime committed against the staff of UNHCR and its implementing partners, as well as other humanitarian personnel, and to bring to justice persons responsible for such crimes;

(d) Reaffirms that it continues to be seriously concerned about the stress and safety situation of the staff of UNHCR and its implementing partners, as well as of other humanitarian personnel, and:

(i) encourages UNHCR to give its fullest attention to the examination and adoption of measures to improve staff safety and security, in cooperation, as necessary, with other relevant international organizations and bodies;

(ii) calls upon the High Commissioner to continue to bring this issue to the attention of the Advisory Committee on Coordination, with a view to drawing up, in consultation with the Office of the United Nations Security Coordinator, recommendations on measures to be taken to improve security for the staff of UNHCR and its implementing partners, as well as other of humanitarian personnel.