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Learn and adjust

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The final step in a successful assessment or monitoring activity is making sure it remains useful and effective over time. This means reviewing and adjusting your approach, based on lessons from the implementation and the use of the information and knowledge it generated.

Who does the review?

A multi-functional team of people familiar with the activity will conduct the review. Ideally, this team should include members who were involved in developing and implementing the assessment or monitoring exercise.

When should the review happen?

It's best to plan for reviews in advance. You can specify review periods (e.g., quarterly, annually) when you initially design the assessment or monitoring exercise. However, reviews can also be triggered by unexpected events, like a major change in the situation you're addressing.

What should be reviewed?

The review should ask questions about how well the assessment or monitoring exercise is achieving its objectives. Some examples of the types of questions to be asked include:

  • Is the information we gather still relevant and prioritized correctly?
  • Are our data collection methods safe and appropriate in the current environment? (Are we creating any unintended risks?)
  • Are we using all the information collected effectively?
  • Would sharing data with others improve the overall response?
  • Are we capturing data for all relevant groups of people?
  • Are we conducting the right types of analysis with the right people involved?
  • Are reports and other products reaching the intended audience and meeting their needs?

What happens after the review?

The review might suggest small adjustments, larger changes, or even stopping the activity altogether. For example, if the situation has changed significantly, the information you need and the objectives of the activity might no longer be relevant.

By regularly reviewing and adapting your assessments and monitoring activities, you can ensure they continue to be effective, responsible, and aligned with your overall goals.