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Raw Internal Data Library

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The Raw Internal Data Library (RIDL) is UNHCR’s internal online library for operational data (including personal microdata of forcibly displaced and stateless people) collected by UNHCR, its partners, and/or other third parties. It allows UNHCR to make operational data available to UNHCR personnel with internal access controls. RIDL enables the responsible re-use of data to inform operational planning and research to the benefit of forcibly displaced, helps avoid wasted resources and redundant data collection efforts by making data discoverable, prevents data loss and creates opportunities to combine data.  

The new Administrative Instructions on the Curation of Personal Microdata entered into force on 1st January 2024. The AI establishes the general standards, procedures, roles and responsibilities for curating (including, when relevant, anonymizing) personal microdata of forcibly displaced and stateless people. The first step of the curation process is the mandatory upload to RIDL of any personal microdata collected outside of proGres v4 by UNHCR or its partners on forcibly displaced and stateless people, as soon as possible and no later than 3 months after the end of data collection.

The UNHCR RIDL platform can be found at:

Guidance on how to use RIDL can be found at:

UNHCR colleagues can also access:

  • the RIDL internal support page here
  • the Administrative Instruction here.