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Draft Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. Text of an Article Adopted on 18 July 1951

Draft Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. Text of an Article Adopted on 18 July 1951

20 July 1951

Article 40 Notifications by the Secretary-General

The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall inform all Members of the United Nations and non-member States referred to in article 34:

(a) Of signatures, ratifications and accessions received in accordance with article 34

(b) Of the date on which this Convention will come into force in accordance with article 37;

(c) Of reservations made in accordance with article 36;

(d) Of denunciations received in accordance with article 38;

(e) Of requests for revision received in accordance with article 39.

In faith whereof the undersigned, duly authorized, have signed this Convention on behalf of their respective Governments, and of which the English and French texts are equally authentic.

Done at ......... this .......... day of ............. in a single copy, which shall remain deposited in the archives of the United Nations, and certified true copies of which shall be delivered to all the Members of the United Nations and to the non-member States referred to in article 34.