What is the network of companies #ForRefugees?
The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in Serbia and IKEA Serbia are launching #ForRefugees private sector network to mobilize the support network of socially responsible companies for persons who were forced to flee their homes and are building their lives from scratch in Serbia.
There is significant potential for the cooperation between different society sectors to create an additional system of support for refugees – a vulnerable group whose needs have not been sufficiently recognized in the public.
The private sector plays an ever more significant role in managing social flows through commitment to the local communities, diversity and inclusion, as well as the sustainable development goals.
Refugees need support from all of us to start anew in our country. We believe that the the private sector can make an important contribution in that respect. In turn, the refugees can benefit the private sector – with their skills, talents, diverse perspectives and experiences.
Be here #ForRefugees
What kind of support is needed?
The network members are companies willing to provide support to refugees through one or more of the following modalities:
- opportunities for employment and internship,
- opportunities for education, trainings, and pre-qualifications,
- donations of products or expert time,
- inclusion of refugee-run businesses in company supply chains,
- public communications aimed at supporting refugees,
- support for projects that help the forcibly displaced.
During the series of workshops in 2024, refugees and asylum seekers have formulated recommendations to the private sector and other actors, that you can find at this link.
Why would the network membership be relevant to companies?
- It represents an opportunity to contribute to the local community and all its members, as well as the implementation of the sustainable development goals in Serbia,
- It represents an opportunity for the company to advance and expand its CSR activities, workplace diversity and related internal policies,
- It allows efficient access to information about potential job candidates and UNHCR’s support in this process,
- It provides access to trainings and other resources of UNHCR and IKEA, expertise and experience in the field of integration and inclusion of refugees,
- It represents an opportunity for networking and additional recognition of companies and their values.
How can my company become a part of the #ForRefugees network?
You can do so through simple filling out of the online form, whereafter we will reach out to you and arrange a meeting:
Should it suit you better, you can also reach out to UNHCR Serbia:
e-mail [email protected] and phone +381 63 434 173.
The position of refugees in Serbia
Who are the refugees in Serbia?
Refugees are persons forced to flee their countries because of conflict and/or persecution. Due to these reasons, more than 1200 people have received asylum or temporary protection in Serbia.
Read the leaflet “Be there #ForRefugees” to learn basic information about refugees, their capacities and needs in our country.
What should I know if I wish to employ refugees?
IKEA company implements the paid internship programme „Skills for Employment“ in Serbia and on the global level, which also provides pathways to employment, after the programme.
Based on the years-long experience around the world, IKEA has prepared a toolkit for companies willing to create inclusive work environment and employ refugees in a sustainable manner.
„Skills for Employment Toolkit“ can be downloaded at this link.
UNHCR and IKEA Serbia remain at disposal to network members for trainings and other resources, as well as expertise in the field of refugee inclusion and integration.
Network members

Note – cooperation policy
UNHCR is open to cooperation with socially responsible companies that are in no way associated with violations of UN principles on human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.
At a global level, UNHCR does not cooperate with industries such as the arms industry or the tobacco industry.